Society » Politics


Archive of Green Party In Tompkins County -

The Tompkins County Green Party was one of the most active local parties in the United States from 2001 until it's disbandment in 2004. This web site is a collection of articles and editorials published by the TCGP.

Barack Obama -

There is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America - there's the United States of America." - Barack Obama

Barack Obama, Is America ready for Obama? What do you think? -

Is America ready for Barack Obama and the change he represents? What do you think?

Barack - Barack Obama Info and News -

Offers extensive information and resources about Barack Obama, including videos, news, articles, a biography, quick facts sheet, speeches, quotations, voting record, book info, family info and much more. Barack is a zero-profit website.

Black President of The United States -

Will this be the year the American citizens vote in the first black President of the United States of America? Barack Obama is trying to become the first African-American to do so and he is going to make it a very interesting Presidential race.

Campaign to abolish the UK TV Licence -

Campaigns against the television licence, with news, archives, feedback and background information on TV licensing issues.

Citizens for Georgene Lockwood -

This is the official campaign site for Georgene Lockwood, republican candidate for Yavapai county, Arizona supervisor district one.

Democratic Coffee - Custom Designed for the American People -

Democratic Coffee – custom designed all-American coffee for fundraising, campaign gifts, and political success.

Diputado Manuel Amor Morejón -

Manuel Morejón es una persona que se ha destacado por su importante gestión como Secretario de Estado a cargo de la Infraestructura y el Planeamiento de la Provincia de Chubut.

Elezioni 2008 Italiani all'estero -

A Dallas Elezioni 2008 italiani all'estero a Dallas Vincenzo Arcobelli candidato con il Popolo della Liberta di Alleanza Nazionale. Voto di centro destra degli italiani in America Canali TV in Streaming on line - Tutte le Televisioni Internet online,

Eyes On Barack Obama -

Barack Obama community with member profiles and forums, daily Barack Obama news and videos, and Obama apparel.

Information Politics -

Information Politics provides the headlines that have made the political news around the world and lets you have your say.

Libertarianism, politics, liberty, freedom, libertarian, libertarian party platform -

A libertarian renaissance think-tank providing independent political and cultural commentary and nice resource of politics. Feel the power of freedom, Liberty and libertarianism.

MCCAINSUCKS.COM - Political Blog -

Official site for finding out whether or not John Mccain sucks

Political Signs -

political signs, yard signs, political yard sign, political campaign sign, political election campaign sign, union political sign, corrugated yard sign, campaign yard sign, plastic sign, corrugated plastic sign, political buttons, Capitol Promotions, campaign, political advertising, political campaign, political poster, political bumper stickers, bumper stickers, bumper sticker printing, magnetic bumper sticker, magnetic sign, magnetic car sign, roll label, promotional item, promotional product,

Political Video Audio Soundbites -

Soundbiters takes a bite out of the political spectrum, presenting the words and images of politicians, commentators, activists and supporters. Find what's happening in a political race, what the news is for a particular cause or what your favorite pundit has been saying.

Poll Booth -

Opinion polls, surveys and statistics; Poll Booth delivers the latest news, media and politics with networking tools bringing journalists, politicians and activists together to debate and vote on the issues making the news today. Member's updated personal blogs and unique editable profile pages with uploaded pictures and videos to share with anyone you want.

The Coffee Coaster -

A 'rational libertarian humanist' Web opinion and review column by Brian Wright, freedom activist and author of New Pilgrim Chronicles. Weekly commentaries and weekly reviews of books and movies that enlighten and entertain the 21st-century world citizen.

Vote for president 2008 -

On November 4, 2008, the US selects a new president. What happens in this election affects the world. The new president will set the tone in world affairs for the coming four years. We are conducting a poll to see what the rest of the world thinks. Do you prefer the Democrat or the Republican? Select your country, language and vote. Thank you for your interest. After you have voted, you will see the world voting results.